[영상뉴스] New York Vlog - ALC21

2019.01.28 13:35:35

A lot of people dream of going to North America. 

The majority, however, immediately conclude that going to North America is difficult and don’t even try their best.

There is clearly a difference between going to the Major League and the Minor League. 

Here in North America, you can make worldwide phenomenal records once you join the Major League.

A lot of people, however, only dream of making it to the ‘Major League,’ and never want to go through the tough process of making it to the top. In the end, they end up failing.

It is not the goal in mind that is important, but the proper process. 
And if the process is right, the right results follow. 

#ALC21, the best way to predict the future is to create it.


#Vlog #NYC #Brandmaker
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씨앤씨뉴스 I 인터넷신문 등록번호: 서울, 아52335 I 등록일자: 2019년 5월 14일 제호: CNC News 주소: 서울시 강남구 테헤란로28길 42, 101호(역삼동, 씨엘빌딩) 발행인: 권태흥 | 편집인: 권태흥 | 전화번호 : 02-6263-5600 광고·문의: 마케팅국 02-6263-5600 thk@cncnews.co.kr Copyright ©2019 CNC News. All rights reserved.